Call for Papers

  • Special Issue on Computing Education in Engineering
  • IEEE Transactions on Education
  • See call.

Graduate Research Assistantships

  • Professor Soh is currently recruiting graduate research students to his Computational Creativity and IC2Think project.  He is also interested in working with undergraduate CS students.  Interested students please contact Soh imemdiately.
  • Professor Cooper is currently recruiting graduate research students to help with his spatial skills project, to help with his learning analytics CS1 project, as well as to join in his interdisciplinary research combination exploring abstraction. He has a long history of working with undergraduate students, and would be willing to work with the "right" undergraduate students as well. 


  • Professor Cooper is seekign undergraduate or graduate students to work as workshop assistants in workshops he'll be running in summer 2017 with K-12 teachers and separately with high school students. 

Outreach Collaborations

  • CSTA Huskers local chapter welcomes contributors to help organize outreach and curricular review activities, to discuss K-12 CS curricular designs, and to share experiences and expertise in teaching CS.  If you are interested, please contact Soh.